In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
John 1:1
Welcome to St. John the Evangelist
Valley, Nebraska
Here in the town of Valley, Nebraska, you will find a warm, welcoming, and diverse parish community for those in all walks of life. If you are planning to move to the Omaha metro area and are looking for a place to worship, we invite you to join us.
Tornado Relief Efforts
How you can help:
- If you would like to volunteer your time with clean-up efforts, Omaha Rapid Response is coordinating volunteers from 9301 N 204th Street. ***Note the location change***
- St. Patrick’s has a HUGE need for Care Managers (along with many other volunteer spots) to help assist families with needs, if you can help please reach out to
- If you have furniture you would like to donate, click HERE for more information
- Tangible donations can be dropped off at COPE, for more information click HERE
- If you would like to make a monetary donation for human needs, those can be made HERE
Find Assistance:
- Theresa McLaury, here at St John’s can assist you, call 402-637-8316
Get Involved at St. John’s!
Religious Formation
Questions, Call or Email Molly Zach at 402.359.5783 ext. 212
Knights of Columbus Council #7034
Learn about all of the events that our Knights support and get involved!
Safe Environment Training
Questions, Call or Email Molly Zach at 402.359.5783 ext. 212
This Week At St. John’s
Join St. John
Read the Bulletin
Mass Times
Weekend Mass:
5:00 PM – Saturday
7:30 AM and 10:00 AM – Sunday
Weekday Mass:
5:30PM – Tuesday
8:30 AM -Thursday & Friday
See Bulletin – Wednesday
Adoration Times:
– Tuesday 6-8 PM
– Friday 9:15 AM (following Mass)
– Saturday 4:30 PM
– Sunday 9:30 AM
– 1st Friday of each Month
5th Sunday of the month at
7:05 AM and 9:35 AM
Reconciliation: Half hour before Tuesday and Weekend Masses
Baptism: Classes are offered quarterly. Attend a class to prepare for the birth of your child. Contact office to attend.
Marriage: Six month preparation required. Contact office to make arrangements.
Funeral Rites: Contact Father
Anointing of the Sick: As needed in individual cases.
Quick Links
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Pray the Rosary